
Replo x Andytown Peru



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Origin: Peru
Region: Satipo, Junin
Grower: Edith & Ivan Meza Sagarvinaga
MASL: 1450-1600
Variety: Caturra
Process: Washed

Finca Tasta is a farm located in the community of Challhuamayo, Laylla District, in the province of Satipo of the Junin Region of Peru. The farm is owned and operated by two young siblings, Edith & Ivan Meza Sagarvinaga. They are second generation coffee producers, and although Edith & Ivan only started farming specialty coffee nine years ago, they have gained recognition for their high quality coffees.

Finca Tasta has become a major source of employment for people from Challhuamayo. The farm has 6 permanent employees year round, and 36 employees during the harvest season. The farm is a 56-acre estate with 19 acres cultivated with coffee and 22 acres left for natural forest preservation. They are against aggressive cultivation, and believe in living in harmony with the forest and animals. In addition to coffee, Edith and Ivan produce plantains, yucca, tomatoes, sugarcane, raspberries, and pumpkins–all of which are sold at organic shops in Lima.

During their short time as farmers, Edith and Ivan have started to experiment with different processing methods. Their hope is to continue their processing experiments so that they can diversify their offerings. In our second year of featuring Finca Tasta, we’re highlighting a delightful honey processed coffee. It has the brightness of a mandarin orange; a syrupy, almost custard-y mouthfeel reminiscent of a ripe hachiya persimmon, and a lingering toffee aftertaste. Its fruit notes are more subtle, but it’s incredibly pronounced sweetness is certain to impress coffee aficionados across the flavor spectrum!


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